It's such a pain for front desk employee or management to handle booking over call or support and likewise for your clients opting to book, right!! Well, worry no more. able Booking插件有...
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Support: 4.5/5
多语言+ WordPress插件
使用Google API手动和自动创建WordPress多语言. Translate all the content and make your website accessible for users from all over the world!DescriptionMultilanguage...
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reCaptcha Plus WordPress插件
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Tdoc WordPress plugin helps you to build and maintain online documentation for products or services in minutes. 我们的客户使用文档插件作为产品或服务手册文档,广泛的常见问题解答,...


Are you a team of WP plugin developers who have been helping business owners build beautiful, fast, 以及高性能网站? Templateog体育首页知道如何让你的生活更轻松. 获得最好的WordPress开发插件,让你的网站更上一层楼. 你是否正在寻找一个插件来帮助你优化你的网站, organize it, 或者只是想让它尽可能顺利地运行, we've got you covered. The assets in this library are always up-to-date and ready to be activated with just a few clicks. 今天就试试这些插件,看看它们如何帮助你发展你的网络开发业务!


这个集合是增强站点功能的好方法. Anyone from frontend and backend developers to web administrators will benefit from these add-ons. 它们使WordPress对程序员来说更高效, 因为他们可以加快设计过程或添加新功能. Meanwhile, 有创建和管理博客的选项, moderating comments, social media integration, e-commerce, security protection, and more.

Here are some real examples that have been created to unleash the power and potential of the content management system:

  • RA WhatsApp. You may communicate with your website visitors directly on WhatsApp thanks to this plugin. You only need to configure the phone number and the opening message on the admin panel to get started.
  • FoodMan. 使用这个基于woocommerce的工具, 您可以快速添加食品订购系统, order processing, 和交付管理到你的WordPress项目.
  • WooCommerce动态定价. You may want to use this add-on to customize prices and discounts for the items in your online store.
  • Stratum. 通过使用多功能元素,Stratum提高了element小部件的有用性. Large eCommerce projects, blogs, business cards, and personal portfolios all greatly benefit from it.
  • DH Anti AdBlocker. Visitors who access your webpage while using an ad blocker on their browser will be prompted to turn it off.
  • ZeGuten. 这个开发插件的重点是使用先进的古腾堡块来创建内容. You can display more parts on web pages using additional blocks than you can with native ones.
  • MotoPress Editor. This one improves the default WordPress builder by enabling site-building without any coding by simply dragging and dropping pieces.
  • Quasar Form Pro. It's a straightforward, 实用的形式和计算器生成器,是完全可定制的,以满足您的需要. 它允许您根据需要创建每个表单的布局.


网站是公司给人的第一印象. 这是你展示产品和服务的地方, 与客户互动, 建立品牌形象. To create a successful site, you need to be aware of some key factors before you start building it. These factors include:

  • 网络项目的目的:你将用它做什么? 它应该告诉另一边的人你是谁,你是做什么的.
  • 谁会访问你的网站? 你的网站应该为这群人量身定制,而不是任何人.
  • 内容策略:会有哪些内容? 你将如何把它传达给访问者?
  • Design & Layout: What is the overall web design, and what will visitors find as they navigate through it? Consider installing a WordPress theme. 他们提供适合任何商业目的的优质设计,并且易于定制. Plus, they provide full mobile-friendly responsiveness to ensure that all of your content can be viewed and interacted with from any device.
  • SEO: Search engine optimization is what makes your pages show up in search results and builds brand recognition online. 顺便说一下,面向seo的WordPress开发插件在这方面有很大帮助.

Site-Building Steps

一旦你决定了以上五个方面,是时候建立你的在线形象了. 以下是一些基本步骤:

  1. Choose a web hosting provider. 最适合WordPress的是A2Hosting, BlueHost, Rocket.net, and Dogado.
  2. 安装一个最适合公司愿景的网页主题.
  3. 根据开发网站缺少的功能安装WordPress插件.
  4. 通过在标题中包含关键字来优化网站的搜索引擎, meta description, 以及你页面的内容.
  5. 添加seo优化的内容. Order web copywriting services if necessary.
  6. Make sure your pages are mobile-friendly.
  7. Add social media buttons or widgets to encourage visitors to share your content on their social media channels.


WordPress是许多web开发机构首选的流行CMS. 它有一个庞大的生态系统,包括插件、主题和其他设置. 前者起着最重要的作用, 因为它有助于提高网站的可见性, usability, and accessibility.


  • Time Saver: It saves time on coding as you can use pre-built blocks instead of coding from scratch.
  • Customization Options: You have the power to customize every aspect of the webpage and make it look like what you want it to.
  • 兼容性:插件有助于与其他平台集成.
  • 质量保证:资产由行业专业人员进行测试, 由Templateog体育首页版主审核, 并得到卖家和市场客户服务的支持.


本视频展示了手动安装插件的过程. 手动安装意味着您将上载附加文件到您的目录, 它们会出现在你的网站上. 如果您正在寻找更高级的安装, 比如一个包含文件结构的, 那么您可能需要考虑使用FTP客户端.



These are WordPress core software components that allow you to add new features and functionality.


你需要登录到你的仪表板,然后转到“插件”选项卡. 从那里,单击“添加新”并选择您保存在计算机上的插件. 上传后,点击“Install Now”按钮,等待安装完成.


It is important to know what the development plugin is compatible with and if it will work with your system's requirements. 您还应该考虑活动安装的数量. This will give you an idea of how popular the plugin is and how many people are using it. 当然,用户评论也值得一读.


有不同的类型,包括以下类别:页面构建器, SEO, social media, advertising,评论系统,以及 product management.